landscape  astro  travel



I’m a Pacific Northwest based photographer obsessed with the outdoors. Discovering a love for landscape photography has combined my two greatest passions into one obsession. Exploring mountains and valleys and looking for the perfect shot to capture is incredibly rewarding and great for the soul.

In addition to capturing my local Pacific Northwest landscapes I also have a bit of a National Parks addiction (15 parks visited so far!) The National Park system is one of America’s greatest inventions, and with living in the west about half of them are within a day or two’s drive. 


What I enjoy most about astrophotography is the planning and effort required to get just one shot. You can’t just take photo after photo in hopes one will turn out. It involves location scouting during the day, scheduling around moon and galaxy rotations, and in the case of star trails, long nights of waiting for your exposures to finish. 

This can result in frustrations at times when the shot you spent all night taking doesn’t turn out, but when the stars align (pun intended) it’s incredibly rewarding.


I’ve lived the majority of my life in Oregon but want to see as much of this world as possible while capturing as many photos along the way.

Current travel bucket list progress:

  • 4/7   Continents
  • 23/50   States
  • 21/50   Countries (I’m wanting to visit)